Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And my present girlfriend has sucked 36 dicks.


But really, someone asked me the other day what my number was. This brings up a great question. What is in a number? Of course any lady wouldn't flat out say what it REALLY is. It could be 256 for all they know. My friend Pepper used to have different variations of the number point system. The "resume" number. Only the best go on your resume. Oh, guess that means I have slept with 5 people! Awesome, I am 16 again. It feels great really and do I say... fresh even? Of course the whole being a huge whore thing plays a big part in girls who usually sleep with over 100+ people but who the fuck cares. I am not vouching for girls that sleep with hollister mcdouchbag at every frat party in the upstairs bedroom. I like to think that there are some girls who can just be liberated and sleep with just as many guys as to those men who are labeled as casanovas, studs, and even your local pimps.

This is a hard stereotype to diminish. The only example I can think of is Samantha from Sex in the City. But fuck her, I get compared to that old slutbag all the time. The only credit that lady needs is that she wore a pretty sick pink wig once. I am talking about girls who don't give a fuck about what people think and just wanna rock out and kiss a few boys a long the way.

Okay, enough of my stupid banter about how I am trying to accept the fact that I am a little promiscuous. Is there really enough reason to believe that everyone (i am including boys) who has a high number has an STD or daddy problems? I don't think so. The majority yes, but come the fuck on. Think about the 70's and free love and all that jazz. Those dirty sailors never used condoms. Now look at us, in 2010 we use dental dams and flavored black magnum condoms to protect us from all colds our private parts we could possibly get. Hell even the worst disease of all, babies.


  1. And thank God for the flavored Magnums.

  2. feeling the new layout! also, dental dams (lol)

  3. i love those flavored magnums
