Loneliness can be such a depressing feat to conquer. There is so many questions and obstacles to overcome with such a topic. Are you really slumming around because you can't find love? or is it because you just want to find some dude to make you feel (kind of) awesome for the night? I mean, here are some scattered thoughts on my ideals of love.
This one time:
Living in the hood, I shared a bedroom with one boy. We were supposed to be just friends but living alongside someone who is just as into fucking as you are things turn quickly. El pasiĆ³n can lead to these two people trying to handle the cuddling and warmness you feel laying next to each other. Once you feel that first poke in your back it's pretty much game on. This is what I hated about the situation, I fucking turned into a psycho. Does this happen to every girl? What the fuck? I have never acted like I did in my life. I'm more into the chill wave type of living. Regardless, months went on. I fell deeper into this rabbit hole of what people call the greatest feeling, it was completely one sided for a while. How pathetic feeling. I think i'd rather take some ecstasy honestly. Shit feels way more intense and there is a lot less crying. Anyways, after a bunch of hoop-la I ended up having to move into the dining room and it was kind of an awesome time in there. Back to feeling numb about this once again.
Fuck, this sucks:
Now onto being in love with someone who doesn't love you back or someone who could never know how much you are in love with them. This kills me, I can relate. It's as sad and lame as a teen romantic comedy. Seeing them talk to other girls, talk about others, it makes me feel like a total bitch because i'm completely jealous but I have absolutely no reason to be. The collective we call this being in dire lust. Waiting for that certain boy who makes you want to grab his head and put it right between your crotch. The initial chase is almost intoxicating when you think about it. Will he ever kiss me, could he ever really be with me? What pain to put yourself through. Just fucking get over it and move on to the next cute guy I say (or at least try to tell myself)
What about me? I love having a boyfriend! :
Of course you do bitch. Who doesn't like the idea? If you are happy, fucking great. Me and the rest of the other salty ass sluts can grab the rest of the cocks you aren't getting with. This is what I don't get personally, a lot of girls I know stress out about having a boyfriend or finding "the one". Why am I not the same? I am so content with just having someone around to make out with once in a while or even come sleep in my bed next to me. It's almost endearing sometimes. I'll never really get it. Though a question I always ask myself is "Am I sad all the time and don't know it?" Thats something for Dr. Lipschitz to decide.
So then, what does it take to find someone you can actually be with?
I mean, this is just my personal list of qualities I look for in a solid dude. Maybe you should review them over and if you have the same type of guidelines then you won't be tricked into that awful relationship you had to deal with.
-i need someone on the ball all the time. witty, sarcastic, just like me.
-they would also need to keep this up with my friends, they can be pretty brutal people in my opinion.
-attractive enough
-no vagina (literally and figuratively)
=i can NOT take someone who can't hang listening to something heavier than fucking okkervil river
-really, i need a negative nancy. someone with a fuck the world attitude. no chatty cathys either.
-chivalry, it ain't dead boys.
-over 6'0...this is just a personal preference myself. lovin' those big foots.
-never have slept with any of my mortal enemies. (OOF)
-rather not have any STD'S but thats almost hard to come by now a days.